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Cat Declawing

Letters to the Editor: Cat Declawing is Barbaric.

Michigan [and all states] Should Ban It.

Letters to the Editor:

Cat Declawing is Barbaric.

Michigan [and all states] Should Ban It.

Letters to the Editor:

Cat Declawing is Barbaric.

Michigan [and all states]

Should Ban It.

This article was originally published in the Detroit Free Press.

As publisher of, I fully endorse

this important message and present it here in its entirety.

This article was originally published in

the Detroit Free Press.

As publisher of,

I fully endorse this important message

and present it here in its entirety.

“As a licensed veterinary technician, I have tried to comfort cats as they writhe in pain, desperately trying to pull the blood-soaked bandages from their mutilated paws after being declawed. This barbaric disfigurement — which involves severing the first digit of every toe, bones and all — should be banned everywhere.

Cats claw to exercise, stretch and mark territory. Cutting off their body parts cuts off their ability to engage in these natural and important behaviors, and can cause them lifelong back and joint pain.

Without claws, many cats resort to eliminating outside the litterbox to mark their territory. Once-friendly cats often become withdrawn and aggressive. Studies show that declawed cats are more likely to have behavioral problems, often resulting in abandonment by the very people who had them declawed.

Providing plenty of scratching posts and regular nail trims will protect furniture, and cats’ physical and psychological well-being.”

Melissa Sanger – Brighton

The Paw Project is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization with one goal:

Looking for a paw-friendly vet

who won’t declaw?

Click on the interactive map

to find a veterinarian in

your U.S. state or Canadian province.

Looking for a paw-friendly

vet who won’t declaw?

Click on the interactive map

to find a veterinarian in

your U.S. state or

Canadian province.

The Paw Project is a 501(C)(3)

non-profit organization

with one goal:

Looking for a paw-friendly

vet who won’t declaw?

Click on the interactive map

to find a veterinarian in

your U.S. state or

Canadian province.

The Painful Truth About Declawing Cats

Editorial Opinion from Doug Hines, publisher of CatNewsHeadlines

• You’ve Got to Provide an Alternative, Easily Accessible Scratching Area

You are NEVER going to stop your cat from scratching things. Scratching is inherent in a cat’s nature.

That’s the way they are. Spraying water bottle mists at them isn’t going to change their inner nature. They won’t understand such absurd negativity on your part. They also won’t understand why you are shouting at them threateningly and waving your arms. Want your cat to stop scratching your furniture?

Provide an alternative scratching area in a major traffic area. A BIG, vertical scratching post is a necessity, AND a 3′ x 3′ sisal floor mat mounted vertically on a wall (especially a wall with a corner) will work even better.

Other Information Regarding Declawing

• The PAW Project

“The Paw Project’s mission is to educate the public about the painful and crippling effects of feline declawing, to promote animal welfare through the abolition of the practice of declaw surgery, and to rehabilitate cats that have been declawed.”

“Many people, including animal lovers, do not realize that declawing is a surgical procedure in which the animal’s toes are amputated at the last joint. A portion of the bone, not just the nail, is removed. Declawing may result in permanent lameness, arthritis, and other long-term complications. The practice, although common in the United States, is actually illegal in many countries. Great Britain’s Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons goes so far as to declare declawing “unnecessary mutilation.” –

- Click on each video's YouTube Square to Expand to Full Screen

Declawing Videos…

5 Reasons Not to Declaw Your Cats

- MercolaHealthyPets

Declawing Videos…

The Truth About Declawing Cats: What a Vet Wants You to Know


Declawing Videos…

The Painful Truth About Declawing Cats (And What to Do Instead)

- The Purring Journal

Declawing among cosmetic surgeries for pets being banned in Québec

- CTV News

More News Articles Regarding Declawing

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