Cat News Headlines !!

The World’s Most Popular Cat News / Cat Health / Cat Behavior Website!

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Cat News Headlines !!

The World’s Most Popular Cat News / Cat Health / Cat Behavior Website!

Think This Site Is The Cat’s Meow?

Tell All Your Cat-Friends About It!

Welcome to

Your Place For Everything Cat!

Cat Lovers! –

The fact is, this website is too big to view on a phone.

It’s 65 pages of cat-stuff, and things below will be distorted.

Run to your nearest desktop, laptop or tablet for best viewing.

– Thanks!

Think This Site Is The Cat’s Meow?

Tell All Your Cat-Friends About It!

Contact / About

“After 76 years I have finally found my calling in life.

I was put here to clean out the cat’s litter boxes. Say Amen.”

“I consider cleaning out the litter boxes to be a privilege.

It’s a skill so highly valued that I include it on my resume.”

Furthermore… I hold a 32nd degree certification from the

‘International Royal Society Cat Box Association’

including the ‘Order of Merit of The Scoop’.

“A certain amount of satisfaction can be derived

from finding a clump in the litter box.

It kind of makes the entire chore worthwhile.”

Hello, I’m Doug Hines, publisher of

This site is brought to you by a Single Guy. (and I’m not talking about my marital status either) lol

You came here for my infinite wisdom and vast knowledge – right?

Listen to the
‘Cat Aficionado Extraordinaire’ (lol)

😻 Applause! Applause! Applause! 😻

I was cleaning out the litter boxes the other night

while listening to ‘America’s Got Talent’ in the background.

As I finished the last scoop, I heard the audience go wild as

Simon hit the golden buzzer and shouted out…

“You’ve Got FOUR Yeses!!!”

I took a bow.

😻 Applause! Applause! Applause! 😻

I was cleaning out the litter boxes the other night

while listening to ‘America’s Got Talent’ in the background.

As I finished the last scoop, I heard the audience go wild as

Simon hit the golden buzzer and shouted out…

“You’ve Got FOUR Yeses!!!”

I took a bow.

About Me (aka Doug Hines)…

I jokingly refer to myself as a ‘Cat Aficionado Extraordinaire.’

My ‘cat journey’ started years ago. I have an old picture of me as a little boy sitting on the back porch stairs of our house while holding a little cat whose name has been forgotten to history. Many cats and many years later I lived on a sailboat in the Florida Keys with my wife, step-son and our cats, Kee Kee and Morris. That was a lifetime ago.

Still years later came my other cats, Pookie and Bubby-the-Cat (both of whom have passed).

One day when I was feeding Bubby, I stopped to read the cat food can’s ingredient list and was mystified by many of the words. Concerned for Bubby’s health, I wanted to know the answer to a simple question; “Is this stuff good for Bubby?”

I started intense study and extensive research which lasted years and culminated in a database of over 1500 canned cats foods. That study ultimately led to presenting the data in a website called I began to add ‘cat news’ to the food site, and the news quickly grew. became a new website –

My background? I’m a Navy Veteran and past Motor Yacht Captain who, in retirement, has become a prolific time waster.

My ‘other time’ is spent caring for my current cats – Mindy & Grady (pics below). “You’ve heard of a ‘Horse Whisperer’? Well, I’m a ‘Cat Shouter’! “GET OFF OF THAT KITCHEN COUNTER GRADY! IF I HAVE TO TELL YOU ONE MORE TIME…” (Just a little humor here folks. I would never yell at my cats. LOL)

(I have a friend who wants to name her next cat “NO.”  Here it comes… “NO get out of those flowers!” “NO Stop running around and let me sleep!) LOL

In addition to my cat websites, I also have a site about humans titled The (see below).

You can reach me via the contact form below, OR you can see my personal website at



Cat News Headlines® is not affiliated with the pet food or pet product industry in any way. With minor exceptions where we might earn an affiliate reward, we do not endorse pet food or pet products.

We exist thanks to private donations like yours.

This website is intentionally free of intrusive, interruptive advertising, pop-up windows, or autoplay audio or video. We respect our reader’s sanity. Say to yourself – Amen – Wonderful – YouBetCha – I Agree!

Here’s a descriptive summary about

that you can copy and send to your cat-friends…

Here’s a descriptive summary about

that you can copy and send to your cat-friends…

Here’s a descriptive summary about

that you can copy and send to your cat-friends… ‘s purpose is to positively affect the well-being of cats worldwide by providing cat parents, guardians, caregivers, and enthusiasts with educational information.
The site provides links to cat news and videos covering various topics like cat health, diet, behavior, community cats, cat adoption and more. There are pages of cat food reviews, great cat blogs, cat sanctuaries, cat entertainment!
And check out the Ultimate Cat Library with over 320 books for both kids & bigger kids.
In other words… is for you and your cats!

More Explanation…

With minor exceptions where I might earn an affiliate reward, I make no money whatsoever on my website other than via donations. I have no paid advertising. Anything you see that you might interpret as advertising is page space I donate to websites, people, etc who are obviously presenting information or services to benefit cats.

This is a quote from my front page: “The purpose of this website is to positively affect the lives of cats worldwide by providing cat parents, cat guardians and cat caregivers with current cat news and educational information. In other words, this site is for you and your cats!”

In presenting outside work on my site, such as blogs from other websites, I only mean to further the whole of the cat community. In other words, I want to do whatever I can to promote bloggers’ work (for free) because I believe that all of our voices together combine to further strengthen, and ultimately benefit, the lives of cats worldwide.

I present a 75-page, fact filled website – a cat news-aggregator – with the purpose of benefiting cats everywhere. That is my sole (soul) purpose.

On a personal note… I am a senior living on a small fixed income, and I struggle to pay my bills and feed my cats. I sure could use the extra money advertising might bring to my site, but I turn advertisers away. I simply don’t want ‘advertising interruptions’ on my site. The success of CatNewsHeadlines lies with cat lovers who make donations repeatedly.

I hope this explanation aids you and others to understand my motivation. I just want to do whatever I can to help cats everywhere.

Most sincerely, – Doug Hines

If things don’t change around here…

A personal note:  Like many of you I live in constant fear of what the near future might bring during this virus mess. I am especially on edge because I am in a vulnerable group. I’m old, I’ve recently had a string of health problems, and I am most probably susceptible to further illness. So every time I cough or sneeze or even ‘think’ I might have a slight fever, I’m already planning for the worst.

Why am I telling you this? If the stories on the front page of Cat News Headlines® suddenly fail to change, if the page appears to you as it did several days ago, you can pretty much assume that something has gone wrong. [The actual front page date changes automatically.] Since I work alone – there is no ‘staff’ at Cat News Headlines® – there will be no one to carry on bringing you the cat news.

And, of course, health problems aren’t the only thing that could halt this website’s production. I live in a less-than-desirable, stressful financial situation. The loss of my computer or the loss of my ability to pay for website services, or should I just not be able to pay the rent, buy food, and care for my cats, all could bring about my sudden demise. We all know what stress can do.

Anyway, I just thought you would want to know what happened if the news stories on the front page don’t change. It’s the kind of truth we all must consider nowadays – especially if we are a one man band working alone.  – Doug Hines

The International Offices of Cat News Headlines

The International Offices of

Cat News Headlines

The International Staff of Cat News Headlines

The International Staff of

Cat News Headlines

New York

  • Executive Chairman — Doug Hines
  • Chief Executive Officer — Doug Hines
  • Executive Publisher — Doug Hines
  • Editor-in-Chief — Doug Hines
  • Deputy Editor-in-Chief — Doug Hines
  • Managing Editor — Doug Hines
  • Chief News Editor — Doug Hines
  • Editor at Large — Doug Hines
  • Senior Editor — Doug Hines
  • D.C. Political Editor — Doug Hines
  • Deputy Politics Editor — Doug Hines
  • W. House Correspondent — Doug Hines
  • Pentagon Reporter — Doug Hines
  • Special Projects — Doug Hines
  • Video & Audio — Doug Hines
  • Print & Writing — Doug Hines


  • Chief News Strategist — Doug Hines
  • Technology Officer — Doug Hines
  • Live Journalism — Doug Hines
  • Professional News — Doug Hines
  • Chief Technology Officer — Doug Hines
  • Communications Officer — Doug Hines
  • Chief Innovation Officer — Doug Hines
  • Chief Financial Officer — Doug Hines
  • Operations Manager — Doug Hines
  • Deputy Managing Editor — Doug Hines
  • Senior Editor-at-Large — Doug Hines
  • Senior Contributor — Doug Hines
  • World Editor — Doug Hines
  • Europe Editor — Doug Hines
  • Israel/Middle East Editor — Doug Hines
  • Asia Editor — Doug Hines


  • Economics Editor — Doug Hines
  • Entertainment Editor — Doug Hines
  • Tech Editor — Doug Hines
  • Chronicles Director — Doug Hines
  • Sports Editor — Doug Hines
  • Copy Chief — Doug Hines
  • Advertising Director — Doug Hines
  • PR and Communications — Doug Hines
  • Webmaster — Doug Hines
  • Science Editor — Doug Hines
  • Health Expert — Doug Hines
  • Travel Director — Doug Hines
  • Human Resources Director — Doug Hines
  • Maintenance Worker — Doug Hines
  • Chief Strategy Officer — Doug Hines
  • Corporate Sales — Doug Hines

New York

  • Executive Chairman — Doug Hines
  • Chief Executive Officer — Doug Hines
  • Executive Publisher — Doug Hines
  • Editor-in-Chief — Doug Hines
  • Deputy Editor-in-Chief — Doug Hines
  • Managing Editor — Doug Hines
  • Chief News Editor — Doug Hines
  • Editor at Large — Doug Hines
  • Senior Editor — Doug Hines
  • D.C. Political Editor — Doug Hines
  • Deputy Politics Editor — Doug Hines
  • W. House Correspondent — Doug Hines
  • Pentagon Reporter — Doug Hines
  • Special Projects — Doug Hines
  • Video & Audio — Doug Hines
  • Print & Writing — Doug Hines


  • Chief News Strategist — Doug Hines
  • Technology Officer — Doug Hines
  • Live Journalism — Doug Hines
  • Professional News — Doug Hines
  • Chief Technology Officer — Doug Hines
  • Communications Officer — Doug Hines
  • Chief Innovation Officer — Doug Hines
  • Chief Financial Officer — Doug Hines
  • Operations Manager — Doug Hines
  • Deputy Managing Editor — Doug Hines
  • Senior Editor-at-Large — Doug Hines
  • Senior Contributor — Doug Hines
  • World Editor — Doug Hines
  • Europe Editor — Doug Hines
  • Israel/Middle East Editor — Doug Hines
  • Asia Editor — Doug Hines


  • Economics Editor — Doug Hines
  • Entertainment Editor — Doug Hines
  • Tech Editor — Doug Hines
  • Chronicles Director — Doug Hines
  • Sports Editor — Doug Hines
  • Copy Chief — Doug Hines
  • Advertising Director — Doug Hines
  • PR and Communications — Doug Hines
  • Webmaster — Doug Hines
  • Science Editor — Doug Hines
  • Health Expert — Doug Hines
  • Travel Director — Doug Hines
  • Human Resources Director — Doug Hines
  • Maintenance Worker — Doug Hines
  • Chief Strategy Officer — Doug Hines
  • Corporate Sales — Doug Hines

New York

  • Executive Chairman — Doug Hines
  • Chief Executive Officer — Doug Hines
  • Executive Publisher — Doug Hines
  • Editor-in-Chief — Doug Hines
  • Deputy Editor-in-Chief — Doug Hines
  • Managing Editor — Doug Hines
  • Chief News Editor — Doug Hines
  • Editor at Large — Doug Hines
  • Senior Editor — Doug Hines
  • D.C. Political Editor — Doug Hines
  • Deputy Politics Editor — Doug Hines
  • W. House Correspondent — Doug Hines
  • Pentagon Reporter — Doug Hines
  • Special Projects — Doug Hines
  • Video & Audio — Doug Hines
  • Print & Writing — Doug Hines
  • Economics Editor — Doug Hines
  • Entertainment Editor — Doug Hines
  • Tech Editor — Doug Hines
  • Chronicles Director — Doug Hines
  • Sports Editor — Doug Hines
  • Copy Chief — Doug Hines
  • Advertising Director — Doug Hines
  • PR and Communications — Doug Hines


  • Chief News Strategist — Doug Hines
  • Technology Officer — Doug Hines
  • Live Journalism — Doug Hines
  • Professional News — Doug Hines
  • Chief Technology Officer — Doug Hines
  • Communications Officer — Doug Hines
  • Chief Innovation Officer — Doug Hines
  • Chief Financial Officer — Doug Hines
  • Operations Manager — Doug Hines
  • Deputy Managing Editor — Doug Hines
  • Senior Editor-at-Large — Doug Hines
  • Senior Contributor — Doug Hines
  • World Editor — Doug Hines
  • Europe Editor — Doug Hines
  • Israel/Middle East Editor — Doug Hines
  • Asia Editor — Doug Hines
  • Webmaster — Doug Hines
  • Science Editor — Doug Hines
  • Health Expert — Doug Hines
  • Travel Director — Doug Hines
  • Human Resources Director — Doug Hines
  • Maintenance Worker — Doug Hines
  • Chief Strategy Officer — Doug Hines
  • Corporate Sales — Doug Hines

– Contact Doug –

This is the place to Purr with The Head Cat!

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, or Just Say Hello!

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Surprise! Here Are My Cats!

Bubby (recently deceased), Mindy & Grady
And My Special polydactyl cat 'Pooky' who passed away

Visit My Other Sites!

The NEW (about humans, not cats lol) is an educational website in which you can learn about the optimal diet to restore your cells to health and vitality.

The site is about Conscious, Intentional Self-Transformation. It’s About a Fasting / Cleansing / Healing / Cell Renewal Way of Living. Achieving Health and Vibrancy is Just a Manifestation of One’s Progress. Start Preparing Yourself for a Greater Journey.

Salty Old Man is my personal website. This is the place I can play around and present things I have written over the years.

As much as it exists for your personal entertainment, this site’s more subtle purpose is to show off my infinite wisdom and vast knowledge.

It’s also a place where I take on everything from peanut butter to world peace.

Hello Cat Lover!

How may I help you? [This may take a little time... There are over 65 pages of reference materials to search through in CatNewsHeadlines.]

Want To Purr With The Head Cat?

Use this form to contact Doug Hines,

publisher of CatNewsHeadlines


I am bombarded by email bots so badly that I must trash most incoming emails.

To ensure that your email is accepted, please begin your message with the words:


note: I will NEVER sell or distribute your email address or personal information to anyone period!