Cat News Headlines !!

The World’s Most Popular

Cat News / Cat Health / Cat Behavior Website!

Think This Site Is The Cat’s Meow?

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Your Place For Everything Cat!

Cat Lovers! –

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Think This Site Is The Cat’s Meow?

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Cat News Headlines

Welcome to !!

The World’s Most Popular Cat News / Cat Health / Cat Behavior Website!

CatNewsHeadlines is read Worldwide!  Click on a flag to Translate the Language!

Think This Site Is The Cat’s Meow?

Tell All Your Cat-Friends About It!

Save a Life… Fall in Love… Adopt a Cat!


I’m Doug Hines, publisher of CatNewsHeadlines.

I’m sorry to announce that I will be closing this website sometime in the beginning weeks of February. Although the date below changes automatically, I will no longer be updating the cat news stories daily. I will leave the website in place for a few weeks longer to enable my loyal followers to review the reference materials that this site provides.

After 5 years and hundreds and hundreds of production & design hours, there just isn’t enough visitor interest to keep the site going. It’s a bit like having a corner store in your neighborhood, but no one shops there. That store cannot survive. So it is with CatNewsHeadlines.
To those of you who do value this site, I sincerely thank you. I always said that, if I could help just one cat, then all of the work would have been worth it. I hope I have achieved that goal.
Meow for Now.





With Links to Over 4,000 Cat News Stories, Professional Articles and Videos!

It’s Not Just Cat News…

“It’s a Cat Encyclopedia”

65 Pages of CAT-STUFF for You and Your Cat(s)

65 Pages of CAT-STUFF

Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

U.S. Eastern Time Zone – Updated Every Few Days

U.S. Eastern Time Zone –

Updated Every Few Days

Today is NATIONAL CAT DAY‘ (in the U.S.)!!!

It’s Almost That Time…

Need a gift for a cat-friend?

Check out our Cat Lover’s Library!

It’s Almost That Time…

Need a gift for a cat-friend?

Check out our Cat Lover’s Library!

It’s Almost That Time…

Need a gift for a cat-friend?

Check out our Cat Lover’s

With Special Appreciation for The Work of

‘The Community Cats Podcast’, ‘The Paw Project’, and ‘Neighborhood Cats’

What Cats Really Think of Humans! lol

Never Forget – Peanut and Fred

Forevermore the Symbols of Bureaucratic Governmental Overreach

and the Democratic Mentality. P’Nut & Fred were as cherished as your cat.

May the killers of P’Nut and Fred be spoken of in disgrace for the rest of their lives.

May their lives be as empty as the void they have left behind.

The Latest Cat News…

With Current News Stories Added Daily!

Scroll Down for Thanksgiving Cat News!

National Kitten Coalition

CatNewsHeadlines donates ad space for sites or services serving cats and cat parents.

CatNewsHeadlines donates ad space for sites

or services serving cats and cat parents.

Cat/Kitten Rescue News…

Cat/Kitten Rescue News…

The Latest Cat Videos…

Both Funny & Serious Stuff Too!

- Click on each video's YouTube Square to Expand to Full Screen

Latest Cat & Kitten Videos…

Bought a GIANT CAT TREE and My Cats Loved It!

- walter santi

Latest Cat & Kitten Videos…

Stray Kitten Chooses a Man And Changes His Life Forever

- BazPaws

Latest Cat & Kitten Videos…

10 Signs Your Cat Has Imprinted On You (Vet Approved)

- Cats

Dwarf Cat Lives Life Bigger Than Anyone Expected!

- Cats and Kittens

Moment a Stray Kitten Realizes He Has Found His People And Will Be Adopted

- BazPaws

Stray cats put to work in businesses, farms through Dubuque Humane Society program


Important Cat News…

Things Every Cat Parent Should Care About – News we’ll keep posted for awhile

Important Cat News…

All about Recalls, Ingredients,

Regulations, News, Pets and More!

All about Recalls, Ingredients,

Regulations, News,

Pets and More!

All about Recalls,


Regulations, News,

Pets and More!

A Cat Documentary…

The Paw Project is dedicated to correcting misinformation and debunking myths about declawing

A Cat Documentary…

A new documentary made about and by cats.

The film presents a withering takedown of US veterinary trade associations, which should be advocating animal wellness, but instead perpetuate the lie that declawing is a harmless and necessary procedure.

A Cat Documentary…

- Official Trailer - (Click to Expand)


Live Right Meow!!

Sometimes a video also includes a live chat. To access the chat, click on the word ‘YouTube’ on a video, which opens the

video in a new YouTube window. Anyone can view a chat. However, you may need to subscribe to actively participate.

Sometimes a video also includes a live chat. To access the chat, click on the word ‘YouTube’ on a video, which opens the

video in a new YouTube window. Anyone can view a chat. However, you may need to subscribe to actively participate.

Sometimes a video also includes a live chat. To access the chat, click on

the word ‘YouTube’ on a video, which opens the video in a new YouTube window.

Anyone can view a chat. However, you may need to subscribe to actively participate.

- Click on each video's YouTube Square to Expand to Full Screen

These facilities are struggling to meet expenses while caring for their little ones.

You can help by donating.

Cat Stuff Just For Kids…

… and maybe for you bigger kids too??

- Click on each video's YouTube Square to Expand to Full Screen

Vids for Kids…

😄 Hickory Dickory Dock and More Nursery Rhymes

- Dave and Ava - Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs!!

Vids for Kids…

It's amazing! 🤣 The rabbit forced himself to sleep with the kitten, making the hen jealous!

- 土豆の日記 Cat's diary

Vids for Kids…

Cute Kitten Little Cat Adventure - Play Fun Pet Care

- Little Kitten Friends

Happy Comes Home…

“An absolutely delightful book that shows the importance of patience, kindness, and humor in helping our cats become well-adjusted members of our family.”

-David Grimm, author of Citizen Canine: Our Evolving Relationship with Cats and Dogs

-David Grimm, author of Citizen Canine: Our Evolving Relationship with Cats and Dogs

Cat Behavior Specialist

Stephen Quandt’s New Book!


As told by nationally recognized cat behaviorist Stephen Quandt, and gorgeously hand-illustrated by Thom Heyer, ‘Happy Comes Home’ is a story of a cat that you can’t help but love, no matter how naughty Happy appears to be.

“An absolutely delightful book that shows the importance of patience, kindness, and humor in helping our cats become well-adjusted members of our family.” -David Grimm, author of Citizen Canine: Our Evolving Relationship with Cats and Dogs

CatNewsHeadlines donates ad space for sites or services serving cats and cat parents.

Great Cat Podcasts…

All about your favorite subject

Cat Podcasts…

Cat Podcasts…

Cat Behavior News…

That Independent and Mysterious Feline Nature!!

- Click on each video's YouTube Square to Expand to Full Screen

Cat Behavior Videos…

Why Your Cat is Obsessed With Dangly Things

- The Purring Journal

Cat Behavior Videos…

The REAL Reason Why Your Cat Gets 'The Zoomies'

- The Purring Journal

Cat Behavior Videos…

Cat Behavior Help with Stephen Quandt, CFTBS

- Shelter Cats Podcast

CatNewsHeadlines donates ad space for sites or services serving cats and cat parents. with Stephen Quandt

with Stephen Quandt

Affordable, Compassionate and Expert Advice –

Creating a Happier World for Cats & The Humans Who Love Them

Affordable, Compassionate and Expert Advice –

Creating a Happier World for Cats &

The Humans Who Love Them

• Stephen Quandt Has Been Named Official Cat Expert & Columnist For Pet Lifestyles Magazine

• See an extensive interview with Stephen in the Cat Behavior Videos above

• Stephen Quandt Has Been Named Official Cat Expert & Columnist For

Pet Lifestyles Magazine

• See an extensive interview with Stephen in the Cat Behavior Videos above


CatNewsHeadlines donates ad space for sites or services serving cats and cat parents. with Stephen Quandt

Affordable, Compassionate

and Expert Advice –

Creating a Happier World for Cats

& The Humans Who Love Them

• Stephen Quandt Has Been Named Official Cat Expert & Columnist For

Pet Lifestyles Magazine

• See an extensive interview with Stephen in the Cat Behavior Videos above


Cat Diet & Health News…

- Click on each video's YouTube Square to Expand to Full Screen

Diet & Health Videos…

Why Does My Cat Have Dry Skin? (Causes & Prevention)

- Senior Cat Wellness

Diet & Health Videos…

Bird flu update: Should Your Dog or Cat Get Vaccinated Against Bird Flu?

- Veterinary Secrets

Diet & Health Videos…

Chocolate consumption can be fatal for dogs and cats. Here's what to do if they eat it


Diet & Health News…

Diet & Health News…

More Diet & Health News…

Dry Food Itself AND Dry Food Packaging are TOXIC to CAT(S)

“Forever Chemicals” are prevalent in Dry Cat Food packaging

Dry Food Itself AND Dry Food Packaging


“Forever Chemicals” are prevalent in Dry Cat Food packaging.

More Diet & Health News…

Going Vegan is NOT Healthy For Cats

Feeding Cats a Species-Appropriate Diet

Cats are obligate carnivores.

Their systems don’t make the enzymes needed to process plant material.

Can You Feed Your Cat A Vegan Diet?

If you’ve ever wondered: Can I feed my cat a VEGAN diet? Is it good for them? Can they survive on it? Should I even try to feed my cat a vegan or plant-based diet? … then this video is for you!

What Do We Feed Our Cats As Vegans?

As many of you have noticed, we have cats! AND we’re vegan! What to do!? Well, here’s our long-winded answer to one our most frequently-asked questions.

Can You Feed Your

Cat A Vegan Diet?

If you’ve ever wondered: Can I feed my cat a VEGAN diet? Is it good for them? Can they survive on it? Should I even try to feed my cat a vegan or plant-based diet? … then this video is for you!

What Do We Feed

Our Cats As Vegans?

As many of you have noticed, we have cats! AND we’re vegan! What to do!? Well, here’s our long-winded answer to one our most frequently-asked questions.

More Diet & Health News…

Can Cats Eat?…

A valuable series brought to you from our friends at ‘A-Z Animals

More Diet & Health News…

You May Want to Reconsider Your Pet’s “Prescription Diet”

Fern Slack, DVM, first noticed something was amiss with the sick cats she was seeing regularly when many seemed to have the same exact kibble-style diet.

More Diet & Health News…

Flea Collars Can be Dangerous to Cats!

Bottom Line??  Don’t Risk Your Cat’s Health – Find Another Way!

(A room dehumidifier can help rid your home of fleas.)

Bottom Line??  Don’t Risk Your Cat’s Health

Find Another Way!

Flea Meds Can Hurt Cats…

New Study Reveals Shocking Concern & 5 Ways to Keep Fleas Off Your Pet w/o PESTICIDES

- Veterinary Secrets

Flea Meds Can Hurt Cats…

WHY Flea Meds Are Harming Your Cat? Safe Alternatives Revealed!

- Veterinary Secrets

Flea Meds Can Hurt Cats…

Permethrin Cat - Over The Counter Flea Meds Can Kill!

- Highbury North Pet Hospital (Dr. Whitney Chin)

Adoption, Fostering & Rehoming News…

There isn’t a shelter in this world that is not overcrowded.

There isn’t a cat in those shelters who doesn’t want a home.

Save a Life… Fall in Love… Adopt a Cat!

- Click on each video's YouTube Square to Expand to Full Screen

Adoption & Fostering Videos…

Why You Should Get Another Cat

- Jackson Galaxy

Adoption & Fostering Videos…

Everything you need to know before you adopt a cat!

- Jackson Galaxy

Adoption & Fostering Videos…

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Adopting A Cat

- Jackson Galaxy

Cat spends 5 years convincing family to adopt him

- GeoBeats Animals

The Importance of Pet Fostering

- KOIN 6

Fostering Felines: A Comprehensive Guide

- Molly DeVoss

– Cat Cafés are prime adoption locations –

CatNewsHeadlines publisher’s note: Careful… There are “Non-Adoption” cat cafés that only USE CATS to attract business.

THAT’S JUST WRONGOnly patronize cat cafés that facilitate adoption.

CatNewsHeadlines publisher’s note:

Careful… There are “Non-Adoption” cat cafés that only USE CATS to attract business.


Only patronize cat cafés that facilitate adoption.

It’s about the future for each and every one of them…   In an interview with NPR Radio, Morning Edition, Stephen Quandt, Cat Behavior Specialist (as well as webinar host of both Decoding the Mysteries of Cats and The Dogs of Chernobyl), captured the essence of why we all work on behalf of innocent animals:  Given my personal history,

“I realized, what I’m doing with these animals is trying to find them their future.”

It’s about the future for each and every one of them…   In an interview with NPR Radio, Morning Edition, Stephen Quandt, Cat Behavior Specialist (as well as webinar host of both Decoding the Mysteries of Cats and The Dogs of Chernobyl), captured the essence of why we all work on behalf of innocent animals:  Given my personal history,

“I realized, what I’m doing with these animals is

trying to find them their future.”

CatNewsHeadlines donates ad space for sites or services serving cats and cat parents.

Find The Next Love of Your Life – Adopt a Cat! – Petfinder™

Community / Feral / Stray Cat News…

Including Shelters, Sanctuaries, Rescue Organizations, and Special Cat Caregivers

Including Shelters, Sanctuaries, Rescue Organizations, and Special Cat Caregivers

- Click on each video's YouTube Square to Expand to Full Screen

Community Cat Videos…

Trapper's Tips & Tricks Presented by Neighborhood Cats

- Community Cats Podcast

Community Cat Videos…

What Can I Do For A Homeless Cat?

- Senior Cat Wellness

Community Cat Videos…

TNR Explained:
Saving the Lives of Street Cats

- Jackson Galaxy

– Helping Those Who Help Our Cats –

It’s not easy taking care of a colony of feral cats. They wait for you at meal time, rain or shine, whether it’s a hot summer day or a freezing cold winter night. The funds for their food come out of your pocket even when money is tight. After they get to know and trust you, many of the cats will warm up and rub against your legs, but others will always remain at a distance. Some neighbors are kind and supportive, but others misunderstand and are resentful. Often you act alone.

Every day, colony caretakers overcome these challenges because they love their cats. It doesn’t matter if they’re feral and live outdoors.

Supporting these guardian angels is a key part of Neighborhood Cats‘ mission. Your gift will let us continue working for these kind souls throughout the year.

With a few clicks, you can find lifesaving resources for cats in your area

including low-cost spay and neuter clinics, cat food banks, and more.

Just Cat Stuff…

Put a Smile on Your Face!

How About This Cat Pic!

See More Comics on the FUN STUFF page!

Copyright 2022 Bizarro Comics / Reprinted with permission • All rights reserved. Click the pic above to visit Dan’s website and read his free, serial graphic novel. Find him on Facebook, and donate to support his work.

Made ya look twice?

Checkout the slideshow where everything has a cat's face --
on the Cat Fun Stuff page!

Made ya look twice?

Checkout the slideshow where everything has a cat's face - on the Cat Fun Stuff page!

Images Courtesy of

Galina Bugaevskaya of Moscow, Russia

from her collection titled ‘Koty Vezde’

(Cats are Everywhere).

Images Courtesy of Galina

Bugaevskaya of Moscow, Russia

from her collection titled ‘Koty

Vezde’ (Cats are Everywhere).

Hello Cat Lover!

How may I help you? [This may take a little time... There are over 65 pages of reference materials to search through in CatNewsHeadlines.]

Attention Cat Lovers! Put your politics aside, and

support the possibility of a better future for your cats.

Attention Cat Lovers! Put your politics aside, and support the possibility of a better future for your cats.

An Appeal to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

An Appeal to

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

A Message from Doug Hines, Publisher of

Mr. Kennedy, You have clearly expressed your intention to Make America HEALTHY Again, and we all owe you a debt of gratitude for doing so. Most food manufacturers have put profit above the health concerns of the American People for far too long.

This same criminality permeates the pet food industry as well. I have investigated the ingredients in over 1,500 cat food products, some of which I have reviewed on my website,

I have found that, for years and years, some of the biggest cat food manufacturers in this country have used ingredients detrimental to a cat’s long-term health in their products. Both cats and cat parents, guardians, caregivers, and enthusiasts have suffered due to manufacturers greed. Undoubtedly, some cats have perished as a direct result of eating bad cat food.

Furthermore, manufacturers have used manipulative marketing strategies to sell their products to the unsuspecting, uneducated public.

While you are investigating the criminality in the human food industry, Please – for the sake of our pets – Please investigate the pet food industry as well.

Cat Lovers Make Your Opinions on This

Matter Known All Over Social Media!

Visit Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s website at

The Criminality Evident in Human Food Production is

TEN TIMES WORSE in Pet Food Production.

The Criminality Evident in Human Food Production is TEN TIMES WORSE in Pet Food Production.

“CatNewsHeadlines is The Cat’s Meow!”

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We will not sell your private information to anyone PERIOD.

Want To Purr With The Head Cat?

Use this form to contact Doug Hines,

publisher of CatNewsHeadlines


I am bombarded by email bots so badly that I must trash most incoming emails.

To ensure that your email is accepted, please begin your message with the words:


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